Monday, December 31, 2012

Nuts about Coconut Oil!

It seems that coconut oil has been growing in popularity, especially on the "crunchy" prairie.  However, some of you may not yet be privy to the many health benefits of this oil. 

Adam and I recently had friends in town from Oklahoma.  My friend's hands were so dry and brittle they felt like sandpaper (Love you Jamie).  I love sharing natural tips with my friends, and I suggested we butter her up with coconut oil.  It took a little while to soak in, but after it did, she agreed her hands felt softer. 

Photo Source
Coconut oil is used extensively in tropical climates.  It is anti-fungal, anti-viral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and an antioxidant.  It is in solid form until it reaches 76 degrees, then it melts to a liquid. This makes it easy to use for a variety of purposes.  Coconut oil really is one of those products that can be used for hundreds of different things. 

We (Carla and I) use coconut oil for the following:

Moisturizer- body and facial
Cooking/Baking in place of hydrogenated oils and butter
Diaper Rash Cream- one of the few that's cloth diaper friendly
Nipple Cream when breast feeding
Hair conditioner
Shaving Cream
Pet Care
Cradle Cap
Dietary Supplement

I recently began using coconut oil as a facial moisturizer and have been pleased with the results.  I have also used it in the past as a deodorant and in baked goods (I used it in place of butter for my sweet potato casserole and it was AMAZING).  I have also used it in my dog's ear, to treat an infection, which healed within a couple of days. 

I will link to several sites where you can find other information.  I typically buy the Virgin, unrefined, and organic variety.
You can purchase Coconut Oil at your local grocer (Kroger sells it in Owensboro), health food store, or online here Vitacost.


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