Friday, February 28, 2014

Update #1: 2014 Items

Our household is 2 months into our 2014 items challenge.  I thought I would provide a quick update on our progress so far.

January: 257 items!
We had a great start to the challenge.  My wonderful husband sold his beloved baseball card collection!  He advertised that he estimated the collection at 4000+ cards.  He was off by 7000. :)  rather than claim we parted with 11,000 separate items and rest on our laurels for the next 5 years, we counted 1 pack of cards as 1 item.

February: 158 items
While this is less than the monthly average we need to meet our goal, we still found new homes for some great stuff.  A good portion of February's total consisted of baby items Karis has already outgrown.  She's growing so quickly!! I'll admit I'm slightly sentimental about some of the pieces we passed on.  But I'm even more elated that another sweet baby girl will enjoy them.  Who knows where the clothing will go from there!  Certainly getting better use than collecting age and dust in our attic!!

I'm anxious to get some big numbers under our belt and out of the house.  But there are potential homes for several things when the time is right.  We're also waiting for the weather to warm up to drop off at goodwill and other donation centers.

How are my fellow challengers doing?


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