Monday, July 16, 2012

That ain't organic, is it?

Organic.  What does that word mean to you?  Marketing ploys have me immediately seeing the green and white "USDA organic" label.  I also think of these words: healthy, natural, wholesome.  My parents often are privy to my crunchy ramblings, but I'm not sure that my dad really "gets" it-- as evidenced by this recent event:

Me- "Dad, try this banana bread muffin I made."
Dad- "That ain't organic, is it?"

I just rolled my eyes.  No dad, it's not going to kill you.  It's not poisonous (unlike those beloved Nutty Bars I steal out of your pantry :)).  It's not made of tofu or some other crazy hippie food you think I eat.  This post is for my dad.  Dad--this is what organic means.


Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants.
Spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease. Use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease.
Use herbicides to manage weeds. Rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds.
Give animals antibiotics, growth hormones and medications to prevent disease and spur growth. Give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. Use preventive measures — such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to help minimize disease.

Why organic?

See dad?  Not at all crazy.  It's the way your grandparents farmed and the way God meant for it to be.  :)


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